Wednesday, May 9, 2012

wrap up

well its time to  wind down the fourth quarter blogs and the last of the year. it has been fun to blog and relate with other on the same book instead of just reading a novel and typing a paper on it like we have had to do for years. i really enjoyed it and i would like to thank mrs hayes for giving us the opportunity to experience something knew in terms of education. also being able to integrate technology more was really fun and i think that every class should try to put technology into their curriculum. thanks again good bye Blogger!


the book i am furniture is the novel i am reading as the final book for the year and the final blogs of the year. this book to me is almost imediatly interesting because of the title, i am furniture, that is just odd. who and how is this person furniture? well dont take it so literally silly!!! its a metaphore for being invisible and getting sat on in a way. anyway i need to go ill see you on the next blogs.

blocked again!

hello again fellow bloggers, again i have blog block but this time i think it is because i am hungry, have a sore throat, and a fever of 101.7 so im not in the best condition to be blogging. though it hurts my head and eyes to look at this bright computer screen i will try and blog a bit more because it is after all my grade. as i keep rambling about worthless things i guess ill tell you about how my mom is bring me steak n shake and its about be sooo good i finna smash, i havnt really eaten much in the past 3 days. anyway i will think of a better blog post for the next one peace out home ddawgs

4th quarter into

Hello fellow bloggers it is now the fourth quarter of the school yea and its time to wrap up the year with a book called i am furniture. Its not a hard read but it certainly has an impact seeing what the main character had to go through. I have many friends readig the same book and they all say it was a good book. I wouldnt put it up there with harry potter or anything as famous as that but it was pretty good. I reccomend reading this book if you are bored over the summer and need somthing to read or do. Ill talk to you later friendos!

Sunday, February 26, 2012

My Animoto Video

My Animoto Video

sparknotes are worthless

im not saying i cheated but i did try and look up sparknotes on my book just to see how it would be summarized
and what do you know my books not even on there! along with not having every book like you would think sparknotes takes away so much value of a good old fashioned book. how are we suppose to learn if we read how some random person summarizes the book? anyway i think sparknotes as a light and dark side. it could either help learn or it could just completely devalue the point of reading. in the ways that it could help learn is it could give a second opinion to someone who has once read the book then read sparknotes  to get a second summary. it could also devalue the book by those who dont read the book and get the full enjoyment of it and instead look up a summary that could possibly leave out a lot of details to the book. so what do you think about sparknotes? good or bad?

blog block!

so im sitting here trying to think of what to do another blog on and nothing is comming to me! i think its because im ready to go outside and play with my dog in this great weather. anyway i think its funny how people associate old school terms and integrate the modern day ways into those terms and by that i mean "writers block" has now become "bloggers block" and its an actual definition! we honestly integrate technology into everything now adays and its just crazy! id like to do some old school schooling but this is our society now, technology based, so i guess its time to cope! anyway i might have an idea for a new blog but well see!